
LSPWCD along with Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District and the State of Colorado teamed together to provide this valuable tool to monitor the South Platte river.

Flow Meter Certification


We provide assistance with monthly well accounting for individual and group substitute water supply plans and augmentation plans.  Contact District personnel for more information.


Augmentation Accounting

We provide coring services to conduct preliminary feasibility assessments of potential recharge sites.  We also can install groundwater monitoring wells.  This service is provided on a staff and equipment availability basis.  Contact District personnel for more information.

Text Box: LSPWCD • 615 So 10th • Sterling, CO 80751 • 970-522-1378


LSPWCD has state certified testers to complete accuracy tests and ensure meters are in compliance with state and division  groundwater measurement rules.  We can also help with variances.

Meter Certification

Core Sampling and Monitoring Wells

Other Services Include

· Well Permitting assistance

· Augmentation Plan and District management and bookkeeping

· Project Location Services

· Moisture Monitoring

· Programs and presentations on Colorado water and Hydrology, for kids, groups and organizations.

· Groundwater level monitoring